365 Cats Page-A-Day Calendar 2023 $8.50 Free Prime Shipping $12.50


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This calendar is a must-have in my house. It’s normally $17.

Product Description
Showcasing the sweetest, silliest, most adorable felines of all time.

365 Cats indulges cat lovers with what they love: cats, cats, and more cats. An improbable friendship between a tabby cat and a squirrel. A quartet of playful Russian Blue kittens. A Norwegian Forest Cat, which legend claims to be descended from a cat so huge, Thor couldn’t lift it. Plus mischievous torties, silky Tonkinese, and a dignified tuxedo— wearing a bow tie, of course. Includes inspiring rescue stories, health and care tips, fun cat facts, and quotes: “How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.”—Robert A. Heinlein. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.

365 Cats Page-A-Day Calendar 2023 $8.50 Free Prime Shipping $12.50
365 Cats Page-A-Day Calendar 2023 $8.50 Free Prime Shipping $12.50
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